Combat Jets
Lots of great photos of combat jets - amazing the shots you can get when you're based right next to
the combat jet tarmac :)
Once again the F15 was here and doing the usual routine (downwind take off, amazing show, etc).
The USAF sent their F16 Pacific demo team - most amusing to watch the ground guys do their
mega-choreographed routines - I asked the Aussie ground crew with the Hawks if they'd ever
do the same - HAH - a rather spectacular negative reaction to say the least :)
F-18a & F-18b
The RAAF had a number of their F-18A and F-18B (two seat) aircraft there, including the amazing
four-ship aerobatic team (officially The Lions, but known internally as The Green Lemons).
F-18e & F-18f Super Hornets
Boeing came down with a collection of Super Hornets (single & dual seat units) - once again
Ricardo Cabo was there doing the demos - an amazing pilot AND a great PR guy too.
BAe Hawk
The RAAF brought in their Hawks for static demo and had a couple available for the live show.
Roulettes PC-9
What's an airshow without the Roulettes with their PC9's? :)
Commercial Aircraft
A number of commercial transports were there, including those in the show and those that
were carrying visitors to and from the show.
JetStar Airbus A320
JetStar (aka PornStar or DeathStar) were flying commercial operations during the show, sometimes
with their A320's. Where possible, there was to be no interference with Jetstar operations - most
days we managed to keep from delaying them, no matter how much they may have deserved it :)
QANTAS Boeing 747-400
QANTAS had a couple of 747s come in and out for servicing. They also had one as part of
the static display.
Pilatus PC-12
The police air arm flew in with their PC-12
Every day there were helicopters buzzing around, from military craft to corporate shuttles
and everything in between
Army Blackhawk
The Australian Army brought in their Blackhawk transports.
Navy Sea King
The Australian Navy had a couple of Sea Kings on site, one on static display and one flying.
Mil Mi-8
A commercially operated Mil Mi-8 (Russian military helicopter - called the "Hip" by NATO)
arrived and went first to the commercial helipad (in a massive cloud of dust) before
transiting to the static display area.
Military Heavies
There were a number of military "Heavy Metal" aircraft at the show, from transports
There was a new RAAF C17 transport and one from the USAF as well.
C27 Spartan
The Italians sent a C27 Spartan in for demos. This type of aircraft (referred to by ground
staff as "the baby Hercules" is a likely replacement for the Caribou. A highlight of the
whole airshow was watching it do barrel rolls, inverted chandelles and negative-g push-overs
during its demo - amazing!
C130 Hercules
The RAAF had a Hercules at the show and put it through its paces each day
E3 Sentry
The USAF and the RAF sent down E-3 Sentries. It was interesting to note the additional
sensors on the USAF unit (eg: SLAR pods on the nose, etc).
Here's a stack of photos that don't quite fit in the other major categories.
Jet Powered Gider
One of the aircraft on show was this amazing jet powered glider - wow
Other Lighties
Even out at Bravo taxiway we wound up dealing with the lighties
Watching People Watching the Show
It was fun to see where people found their best spot to watch the show :)